Attack time is therefore relatively slow, set release time quickly. The real peaks of a voice do not arise at the beginning of a syllable, but only later, with longer vowels, which should then also be limited. Recently, many sound engineers have been using fader automation to compensate for these volume fluctuations.

The attack time should not be too fast, otherwise explosive sounds can be distorted and the voices sound unnatural. The values below are for reference only!! If the compression is to be largely inaudible, it is best to set a short attack time and a medium release time (long attack times emphasize hiss and pops).ĭo not use the automatic settings for the attack and release times, as the results are usually insufficient. The threshold value is now slowly lowered until the difference between the quiet and loud parts of the song corresponds to the desired dynamics. When adjusting, you should proceed in such a way that you first adjust without a compressor, then switch it on and set the desired compression rate. The quietest sound of the recording is reduced because loud signals are dampened more than quiet ones (the dynamics are reduced). The volume difference between the loudest and the The point of this thing is to make the music as loud and punchy as possible. The compressor can output quiet sounds at the original volume (ratio !:!) and loud signals with less amplification (ratio e.g. How large this should be depends on the user, who can set the ratio between input and output volume. The compressor measures the volume of the input signal and calculates the corresponding output volume at any point in time. Tape Machine : Slate Digital Virtual Tape Machine

Neve : Plugin Alliance Lindell 80 Channel When there are some Plugin Emulations that are you dont use, leave this text line empty. If i should have forgotten a category feel free to add it It would be great when you Copy and Paste this list, delete previous answers and post your Favorite. There are many many Hardware Emulations out there and i want to know whats you Favorite in each Category. Hi, i want to start this Thread because i think it would be Great to make a List of Favorite Plugins from the Members in this Forum.